Mole Richardson Nine-Light Molepar


Rent Mole Richardson Nine-Light Molepar in Miami. The Nine-Light Molepar, for television and film set use, is suitable for lighting large areas. The high intensity output of this fixture permits a minimum number of lights for the required lighting level. Nine toggle switches allow total control over light output.


Head: Type 5771
Rating: 120/240 volts, AC or DC, 75 amps max., 9000 watts max.
Construction: Rugged construction of solid and perforated sheet steel.
Yoke: Tubular steel with removable 1-1/8″ dia. steel yoke pin.
Beam Control: Pivoted globe module permit variable beam coverage.
Size: 31-1/2″ x 31″ x 7″.
Head Weight: 71-1/4 lbs. (w/cable)